GDM Language list...

Ankitkumar Rameshchandra Patel ankit at
Fri Jun 5 16:01:59 UTC 2009

Bill Nottingham wrote:
> Well, there are languages we would support fine that don't have a
> specific language-support group (most anything that uses a Latin-1 like
> charset, and no specific input method.) Moreover, the groups that are
> installed aren't actually recorded anywhere on the installed system.
> (And having gdm attempt to discover/compute what groups are installed
> is completely impractical.)
> Bill
Well, there should be hard-coded list maintained for such languages, 
which doesn't require any specific support packages and those languages 
should be listed by default in gdm. But other languages, which requires 
specific packages' support, should be listed only if their support is 
(or support packages are) installed. As Ray has mentioned "GDM only show 
a language in the language list if ...<certain criteria like libc, 
locale, etc meet>..." that means GDM already does some checks, so I 
guess there should be some way to check the installed groups.

Ankit Patel

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