IBus UI review

Jens Petersen petersen at redhat.com
Thu May 21 04:30:44 UTC 2009

Very late followup to the original discussion in Feb...

> > MC> - Why do input methods seem to fancy these weird undecorated floating
> > MC> toolbars ? Does it add anything that is not already present in
> > MC> the status icon ?
> > 
> > Yes, it does. and it's supposed to provide similar feature
> > in SCIM and IMs where is running at Windows say. which
> > provides facilities to change various conditions such as the
> > input-mode, style etc.
> Ok. Would it not be better to provide this functionality through the
> status icon as well ? Having two places related to im control (...)
> seems suboptimal. And the naked toolbar looks really quite foreign to
> anybody who hasn't had years of conditioning by other im frameworks...

I tend to agree - I would not mind taking this discussion to bz.
Old habits are hard to die/kill though...

Perhaps we should turn off the toolbar by default?

I think that the functionality of the toolbar should be duplicated
in the panel icon menus anyway for users that turn off the toolbar.


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