IBus Bridge HotKeys

Takao Fujiwara tfujiwar at redhat.com
Fri Jul 1 07:58:51 UTC 2011

Now IBus bridge hotkeys feature is available with ibus- in Fedora 15 and rawhide.

It can define the IM trigger keys in each IBus engine and shows keyboard layouts and input methods in the same list on IBus icon status menu.
So now trigger keys on ibus-setup is no longer used and the default is Control + Space.
If you'd like to add another trigger keys, you could define it with hotkeys tag in /usr/share/ibus/component/*.xml .

If you find any problems, please file a bug with https://bugzilla.redhat.com/enter_bug.cgi?product=Fedora

-------- Original Message --------
     IBus Bridge HotKeys <http://desktopi18n.wordpress.com/2011/07/01/ibus-bridge-hotkeys/>

via DesktopI18N's Blog <http://desktopi18n.wordpress.com> by fujiwara on 7/1/11

I added a new feature of a bridge hotkey in Fedora 15 and rawhide. You need IBus or later for this feature.

# yum install --enablerepo=updates-testing ibus ibus-gnome3
# rpm -q ibus

If you focus on a text application, the default keyboard layout (en) is enabled below.
Enabled the default keyboard layout


And if you type Control + Space key, IBus switches the IBus engines from the default keyboard layout (en) to the first input method (anthy) below.
Switch a keyboard layout to an input method with Control + Space key.


So you can toggle the default keyboard layout (en) and the input method (anthy) with Control + Space key. If you also choose another layout (jp), now
Control + Space changes to toggle the layout (jp) and the input method (anthy) instead of the default layout (en) and the input method.
Choose another keyboard layout with bridge hotkeys


Then we will change the definition of Control + Space with this change. Previously we use Control + Space to toggle IM on and off. Now we use Control
+ Space to toggle the previous engine and next engine.
This way can show input methods and keyboard layouts in the same list on IBus icon status menu.
The latest IBus also a menu item of “Keyboard Configuration” on IBus icon status menu, which can launch ‘gnome-control-center region’ for GNOME 3.
Currently I’m thinking a numbering for duplicated languages between keyboard layouts and input methods so that users recognize the different layouts.

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