removing the langsupport groups from F18+

Akira TAGOH tagoh at
Tue Aug 28 01:55:23 UTC 2012

----- 元のメッセージ -----
| Akira TAGOH (tagoh at said:
| > One more thing is, current @fonts group has minimal sets of the
| > packages only
| > according to
| >
| > basically. so the language group may has some fonts packages to
| > replace the
| > _distribution-wide default fonts_ with the preferable typefaces.
| In what cases does it do this? My reading of the fonts groups were
| that it
| only ever installed additional fonts that were options to the
| defaults, not
| new defaults. (Especially since most any desktop user who installed a
| langsupport group had @fonts installed anyway.)

On some Indic languages say. for example, we have lohit-marathi-fonts, lohit-nepali-fonts and so on though, we don't install it by default because Marathi and Nepali uses the Devanagari-based script and basic functionality can be provided by lohit-devanagari-fonts IIRC.

That looks like Chinese vs Japanese to me - IMHO we should install it by default as we do it for Chinese and Japanese, but anyway.

| > if we also change the policy of "one font per scripts" to the "one
| > font per
| > languages" or so, it may affects to the disk size after the
| > installation or iso
| > size for Live and/or some spins perhaps.
| I'm willing to test to see how much space increase this causes - I
| think
| we're OK with both KDE and GNOME, unsure about XFCE/LXDE.

Great. Thanks!

| > | After looking at current comps, the language-specific
| > | applications
| > | might be an issue after removal, such as iok. also relevant bug
| > | for
| > | reference:
| iok is required by ibus-m17n; is that expected to change?

Well, the point is that it breaks one-default-application policy. both iok and eekboard is a virtual keyboard application though, we already have one on GNOME say. unfortunately it doesn't support i18n well. so we still need iok and/or eekboard.
We should get involved to improve i18n support but it's another story for long term because the upstream seems getting stuck on development so far.


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