I18n Test day for Fedora 17 - 12/03/14

Ani Peter apeter at redhat.com
Thu Mar 15 04:22:28 UTC 2012

Thank you all for your cooperation to make the i18n test event a success 
and also filing the bugs.

Please feel free to provide your feedbacks and suggestions to improve 
our testing process.

Thanking you
Best regards

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	I18n Test day for Fedora 17 - 12/03/14
Date: 	Mon, 12 Mar 2012 16:00:44 +0530
From: 	Ani Peter <apeter at redhat.com>
Reply-To: 	Fedora Language Testing Group <fltg at lists.fedoraproject.org>
To: 	Fedora Translation Project List <trans at lists.fedoraproject.org>, 
i18n at lists.fedoraproject.org, fltg at lists.fedoraproject.org

Hello all,

We will have the I18n Test day for Fedora 17 on 14th March, Wednesday. 
Please spend some time to test the i18n support for your language and 
file bugs if necessary to help our i18n team to improve your language 

We have our test day page at [1]. The test cases will be up shortly.

Thank you all for your support and cooperation.

Best regards

[1] - https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Day:2012-03-14
fltg mailing list
fltg at lists.fedoraproject.org

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