L10N Desktop testing day for Fedora 19 - 13/04/11

Ani Peter apeter at redhat.com
Tue Apr 9 08:37:07 UTC 2013

Hello everyone,

We are glad to announce that the L10N Test day for Fedora 19  is 
scheduled for 11th April (Thursday) [1]. Translators all around the 
world are kindly invited to test their languages and file bugs if 
necessary, thus contributing to make the Fedora desktop one of the best 
desktops in your languages.

Details for testing is available at [1].

Test cases are available at [2]. As you can see, the test cases are 
categorized as Frequently Used Applications (FUA) and non FUAs to 
simplify the testing process and reduce the load on the wiki. Few new 
gnome packages have been added to the list for this testing.

Please feel free to file bugs against the relevant package if you find 
any issue in your language.

Thank you all in advance for your corporation. Feel free to ask any 
doubts if any.

Thanking you
Best regards

[1] - 
[2] - 

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