future of system-config-language with gnome

Parag Nemade pnemade at redhat.com
Mon Apr 22 04:45:59 UTC 2013

Hi Aman,
On 04/21/2013 10:56 PM, A S Alam wrote:
> Hi
> I was looking following bug and want do we need to add more languages in s-c-l
> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=954124
> gnome-control-center has ability to switch System language (Fedora 19),  now
> - Does latest anaconda use s-c-language (or any relation with it or require)?
> - Does it required to change system language (my system didn't have
> any /etc/sysconf/i18n file) (with gnome)
  Yes. s-c-l still changes system language in f19. See bug 871119 which 
says "
systemd has uses /etc/locale.conf instead of /etc/sysconfig/i18n if the 
former is present (see https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/963) and in 
the future will even entirely drop the support for /etc/sysconfig/i18n"
> - Does s-c-l only require with other than Gnome DEs? (case like ibus)
   I think other DE can use this as s-c-l also read/write to global 
/etc/locale.conf file.
> if it is required then do we need to add test s-c-l for i18n test day
> [2]? with Translation test day this application was provided to test.
Good to get some testing to know how Gnome language change and s-c-l 
behaves together on F19.
  What I observed s-c-l changes system root user messages/language 
whereas Gnome language change using g-c-c changes that user's 
environment to new language including preset IM in F19 Alpha.
> thanks
> --
> A S Alam
> ---------
> [1] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/SystemConfig/language
> [2] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Day:2013-05-02_Localization_%28i18n%29
> --
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