[Announce] Released 2.94.0 version of the Lohit Devanagari (Lohit2 project)

Pravin Satpute psatpute at redhat.com
Wed Feb 19 11:37:12 UTC 2014

Hi All,

    We identified couple of bugs against 2.93.0 release of
lohit-devanagari. While more working on same bugs we saw some more
opportunity for improvements from glyph positioning tables (GPOS) and
using references of glyphs (reusing existing glyphs) rather than copying
complete shape.

*    Following ***improvements  *done in this release:*

  * Positioning lookups cleanup. (Removed 3 unnecessary lookups)
  * Improved grid fitting (GASP) table.
  * Renamed anchor points to DVAnchor, it will help in long term for
    making single Lohit font having all scripts.
  * Using copy reference instead of copying whole glyph points.
  * Auto test integrated with Makefile ($make test).
  * Added Santali language (sat) in fontconfig file.
  * Resolved #32: "???????? does not render correctly"
  * Resolved #33: "improper rendering for word : "??????????""

   Updated lohit project page [1] for download details. Source tarball
link [2], TTF tarball link [3] and webfonts format for Lohit is at [4].

   I will soon build this for Fedora. Feel free to report any issues in

   I am happy with each release we are moving towards the perfection.

Pravin Satpute

1. https://fedorahosted.org/lohit
5. https://github.com/pravins/lohit/issues/new

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