[Fedocal] Reminder meeting : F22 I18n testcase improvement

pravins at fedorapeople.org pravins at fedorapeople.org
Tue Feb 24 06:00:02 UTC 2015

Dear all,

You are kindly invited to the meeting:
   F22 I18n testcase improvement on 2015-02-25 from 06:00:00 to 07:00:00 UTC
   At fedora-i18n at irc.freenode.net

The meeting will be about:
We are going to have i18n test day for Fedora 22 on 19th March. This time we are going to use testday app. 

To improve our test case (cleaning old and adding new) we are planning this activity.

1. Identify testcase of your interest. If not available create one. 
2. Check its validity.
3. Update on testday app.

Source: https://apps.fedoraproject.org//calendar//meeting/2263/

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