Minutes of Fedora g11n meeting 2015-07-01

Satyabrata Maitra smaitra at redhat.com
Wed Jul 1 10:20:42 UTC 2015

----- Original Message -----
From: "pravin d s" <pravin.d.s at gmail.com>
To: g11n at lists.fedoraproject.org
Sent: Wednesday, July 1, 2015 11:24:58 AM
Subject: Minutes of Fedora g11n meeting 2015-07-01

Hi All, 

We had nice meeting, couple of new topics and follow ups from last meeting. Minutes are as follows. 

#fedora-meeting: g11n 

Meeting started by pravins at 04:31:01 UTC. The full logs are available 

Meeting summary 
* agenda and roll call (pravins, 04:31:13) 
* LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/G11N/Meetings/2015-07-01 
(pravins, 04:31:17) 

* Upcoming schedule (pravins, 04:33:34) 
* 2015-07-14 Branch Fedora 23 from Rawhide (Rawhide becomes future 
F24) (pravins, 04:33:39) 
* 2015-07-28 Alpha Freeze (*), Software String Freeze, Change 
Checkpoint: Completion deadline (testable), Bodhi activation point 
(pravins, 04:33:39) 
* 2015-08-11 Alpha Release (pravins, 04:33:39) 
* 2015-08-25 Software Translation Deadline (pravins, 04:33:40) 
* 2015-09-08 Beta Freeze (*) (pravins, 04:33:40) 

* UTRRS - Satyabrata (pravins, 04:35:01) 
* LINK: http://utrrs-testing.rhcloud.com/ (pravins, 04:35:20) 
* UTRRS will be Unicode 8.0 compliant for all available locales. 
(pravins, 04:41:40) 
* Work is going on Automate defect detection with reference image of 
rendering. (pravins, 04:42:20) 
* Thai is in git, just neet to bring it at front. (pravins, 04:42:42) 
* ACTION: smaitra to drop email on UTRRS plan to g11n list and if any 
help required for same. (pravins, 04:46:30) 

* Inputs from FUDCon APAC 2015 - Pravins (pravins, 04:46:47) 
* Fedora mentors list https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Mentors 
(pravins, 04:50:49) 
* AGREED: PravinS to mentors for i18n and aeng for Zanata side. 
(pravins, 04:55:02) 
* ACTION: Pravins to update Fedora mentors pages with required 
information. (pravins, 04:55:27) 
* Request for language spins during FUDCon APAC 2015. (pravins, 
* AGREED: To bridge Ambassadors and see if there is need to Language 
spins in there country. (pravins, 05:10:17) 

* Zanata feedback survey - Ani (pravins, 05:11:06) 
* ACTION: apeter to plan Zanata survey meeting soon. (pravins, 

* Translation deadline around Beta - Noriko (pravins, 05:13:01) 

* G11N Infrastructure (IRC, Wiki and Ticket etc.) - Pravin (pravins, 
* ACTION: noriko will soon send email on Translation Deadline around 
Beta. (pravins, 05:16:22) 
* ACTION: pravins to ping FPL to add this information in his weekly 
news. (pravins, 05:18:38) 

* G11N FAD - proposal Pravin (pravins, 05:20:58) 
* ACTION: pravins to drop email to Fedora council this week. 
(pravins, 05:21:32) 

* #50: Feature/Change planning for Fedora 23 (pravins, 05:22:40) 

* L10N sprints based on F23 - Ani (pravins, 05:27:09) 
* ACTION: apeter will send email on L10N sprints plan to g11n list. 
(pravins, 05:28:14) 

* Open Floor (pravins, 05:29:18) 

Meeting ended at 05:34:17 UTC. 

Action Items 
* smaitra to drop email on UTRRS plan to g11n list and if any help 
required for same. 
* Pravins to update Fedora mentors pages with required information. 
* apeter to plan Zanata survey meeting soon. 
* noriko will soon send email on Translation Deadline around Beta. 
* pravins to ping FPL to add this information in his weekly news. 
* pravins to drop email to Fedora council this week. 
* apeter will send email on L10N sprints plan to g11n list. 

Action Items, by person 
* apeter 
* apeter to plan Zanata survey meeting soon. 
* apeter will send email on L10N sprints plan to g11n list. 
* noriko 
* noriko will soon send email on Translation Deadline around Beta. 
* pravins 
* pravins to ping FPL to add this information in his weekly news. 
* pravins to drop email to Fedora council this week. 
* pravins to update Fedora mentors pages with required information. 
* smaitra 
* smaitra to drop email on UTRRS plan to g11n list and if any help 
required for same. 

People Present (lines said) 
* pravins (133) 
* smaitra (24) 
* aeng (22) 
* apeter (20) 
* noriko (14) 
* zodbot (8) 
* paragan (2) 
* epico (2) 
* mfabian (1) 
* tagoh_ (1) 
* fujiwarat (1) 

Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4 

.. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot 


g11n mailing list
g11n at lists.fedoraproject.org

i18n mailing list
i18n at lists.fedoraproject.org

Hi Folks

Thanks for the meeting minutes Pravin!

As discussed in today's meeting, here is the ongoing and recent plans for UTRRS :

1. Automatic defect detection of rendered character prototype is in process of development by Sandeep Shedmake.
2. Thai and Maithili Locale DB ready for codepoints and need to bring it to Front-end web interface.
3. Unicode8.0 compatibility for the existing language support system to be provided. Tentative achievement date set to Aug 2015.
4. Verify Arabic character set by community member Mohamed Fawzy tentatively.


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