New translator joining the i18n

pravin.d.s at pravin.d.s at
Tue Jul 28 12:47:54 UTC 2015

On 27 July 2015 at 17:06, 조민우 <igtzhsou at> wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> I'm a new trnaslator joining this project, here`s my profile:
> ----
> Name: My real name is MinWoo Joh and I prefer to be called 'Sewerx' on the
> net.
> Location: Iksan(city), Jeollabuk-do(province), South Korea
> FAS- Login: Sewerx
> Language: Korean
> Profession or Student status: Student
> Hobbies and interets: Sound Engineering, System Admin~tion

Hi Sewerx,

  Welcome to Fedora Globalization group :)

> ----
> And I need some help with joining to the team. Please help me.
> What I have done is:
> 1. Created FAS account (Signed the CLA)
> 2. Created Bugzilla account
> 3. Joined trans, trans-ko, i18n, l10n, bugzlia mailing list
Rather than just join g11n list.
We have recently started globalization group.

> 4. Created my own intro page at wikiou ca
> What I am confused with is:
> 1. I can't login into Zanata, whenever I log in with FAS account and see
> the main page, I'm not logged in. How can I solve this?
If dont get answer here either ask on #fedora-g11n or create ticket on g11n
trac. [2]

> 2. What is the difference between i18n and l10n, I've searched through the
> wiki pages, but can someone tell me the clear differences between them?

I18n is enabling infrastructure/application for language. i.e. providing
encoding, fonts, rendering engine support, locales, api to extract string.
l10n is translating words from English to Native language.
I18n is more on technical side, while l10n is more on expertise on language
side. Though in l10n one needs to learn technicalities of translation
framework as well :)

> 3. Is there anything more to do? Or anything that I must check?

  You have joined on the right time. We are presently in active development
for Fedora 23 and good chance to get your contributions included in Fedora
23 final release.
You should subscribe to g11n mailing list  and also join Freenode

  I have added in cc of this email. Hoping
someone will answer it soon. Tomorrow we have bi-weekly meeting [1] feel
free to join it. Or you can also open ticket on trac is any issue [2]

Best Regards,
Pravin Satpute

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