[fedora-india] Ankit on his experience about l10n work

"Sankarshan (সঙ্কর্ষণ)" foss.mailinglists at gmail.com
Tue Sep 2 04:46:24 UTC 2008

Pradeepto Bhattacharya wrote:

>           yes +1, that and also if the noise could be minimised a bit,
> since I wondered if Kushal was tapping on the mic all the time ;).
> Also panning and zooming could be avoided imo. Benefits of keeping it
> small are many, with so much localisation power in hand/house, you
> could even have subtitles in multiple languages. ( some what wild
> idea, but for example Ankit's video should bring in more folks to .gu
> l10n work, and sub-titles in Gujarati can convince more people )

Thanks for the feedback. I don't know if we are in a position to begin
sub-titles. For example, given that we are hobbyist interviewers [;)] it
could turn out to be a lot of work. But, it is worth doing.

The driving reason for keeping it within 6 minutes is that then the
video becomes 'sticky' and it has a single point or, at most two points
of context. Any longer and it can fly past the viewer.


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