[fedora-india] Fwd: [Design-team] Cheating with Fedora

shreyankg at gmail.com shreyankg at gmail.com
Fri Feb 12 15:15:12 UTC 2010

Seems like a nice swag to print and distribute. :-)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Juan Rodriguez <nushio at fedoraproject.org>
Date: Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 6:33 AM
Subject: [Design-team] Cheating with Fedora
To: design-team <design-team at lists.fedoraproject.org>

One of the linux myths is that using the operative system means using
the command line, but why should we demonize it?
Introducing... The Fedora Cheat Cube!
No longer does using the terminal have to involve memorizing obscure
commands, you can always have a fun cube around to remember the
important things, like yum commands and navigating with the terminal.
This would be a fun thing to hand out at Fedora booths at events, and
I intend to get this translated into spanish and hand them out at the
Now, it wouldn't be much help if I didn't give out the source, which
you can find at
One of the things I've been suggested to do is to include the 4
Foundations somewhere (Possibly on the "Fedora cheat cube" side?), and
also a link to the http://join.fedoraproject.org website.
Another idea I have, is to prepend a $ on commands that can be run as
a normal user, and # to commands that *require* root to work, then add
a footnote on each side to indicate that.
Other than that, the help I'd really appreciate is giving the frontal
face (The one with the Fedora logo) a make over, so it actually looks

Thanks for your time!
Disclaimer: The original cube was taken from gnome-look.org
[1] http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?action=content&content=119833
Ing. Juan M. Rodriguez Moreno
Desarrollador de Sistemas Abiertos
Sitio: http://proyectofedora.org/mexico

design-team mailing list
design-team at lists.fedoraproject.org

Peace and Love,
Shreyank Gupta
Blog: http://allsortsofshrink.blogspot.com

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