Streamlining Account Signup Process

Rahul Sundaram sundaram at
Thu Jun 28 20:19:55 UTC 2007

Ray Van Dolson wrote:

> Also, maybe just a blurb on the EPEL wish list describing an easier way
> to request package additions there would be helpful.  Even if it's just
> "join the mailing list and ask" or "ask on IRC".  This is like a
> question for epel-devel however.

Yep but fixed anyway. See

> I know one of your guys' overall goals has always been to get more
> community involvement, so I figured this was a worthwhile question to
> ask.  I know I almost decided that it wasn't worth the effort to join
> the FP after seeing all those steps for signup when I just wanted to
> contribute one package initially (I'm happy I didn't bail btw)... I
> imagine many others feel the same way.

So why didn't you bail out and what are you happy with? Not rhetoric. I 
am genuinely interested to know.

Thanks for the feedback. We know that editing the wiki for someone not 
in the edit group is way too complicated than necessary. The underlying 
problem required legal clarification which we have got recently. The 
wiki contributors can just require a click through signup but that 
requires some infrastructure work that hasn't done yet but it is 
something that needs to be fixed asap.


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