MyFedora cross domain authentication issues

Toshio Kuratomi a.badger at
Thu Mar 13 22:59:40 UTC 2008

John (J5) Palmieri wrote:
> Hi guys,
> We just recently got a test instance up at publictest10 and I have
> started working on accessing resources as an authenticated user.  There
> is a large issue here however since the browser's security model
> rightfully prevents us from doing requests such as this.  There are
> several ways around this security all with their own pitfalls.
> The first one which I use is to have a proxy page which make the calls
> on the server which is not subject to the security concerns.  The issue
> with this is it can't be authenticated and involves shipping data
> through an extra server.
> The second way is to use JSONP callback script injection.  This one
> involves the json call returning data as a javascript callback which is
> then script injected into the page and eval'ed.  This is extremely
> insecure as it allows the server to send back any javascript which is
> executed on the user's browser.  I've tested this by sending an alert
> back from bohdi's 'list' call and it can display any data available to
> the browser.
> Another way which I am not sure is possible would be to do URL rewriting
> to make it look like all of our resources are coming from the same
> domain, e.g. would be rewritten
> to point to a bodhi instance.  Though this might work if they were
> running under the same apache instance, I am pretty sure it would fall
> down if they were running on different servers.
> The last way, which I discussed with the Fas guys sometime back would be
> the ability to forward credentials from a proxy.  This would require Fas
> support that I am pretty sure is not there yet.  I'm not even sure how
> it would be implemented.
J5: Look at how jsonfas is implemented and tell me if that would for ths 

bzr branch bzr://

cd python-fedora-devel/fedora/tg/identity
# Take a look at JsonFasIdentity


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