sub-optimal torrent for F9 Snapshot 1

John Poelstra poelstra at
Sun Mar 30 04:30:31 UTC 2008

I'm finding trying to get Friday's snapshot of Fedora 9 to be very 
sub-optimal... 62 hours estimated to go after already timing out once. 
I've got two peers and one seed :(  I'll probably get it by time the 
next snapshot is ready :)

Is this happening to others?

Is this really a viable way to put out *weekly* snapshots?

Is hosting jigdo templates a possibility?  In my situation it would work 
well because I mirror the rawhide trees locally--yes I realize this begs 
the question of why I need the snapshot if I already mirror rawhide, but 
I'm curious if it fails to install for me just as rawhide has for the 
past three days.


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