PHP Security Tweaks

Mike McGrath mmcgrath at
Sat May 24 01:08:34 UTC 2008

On Fri, 23 May 2008, Jeffrey Tadlock wrote:

> I asked yesterday in the meeting about any modifications made to the
> default PHP install to help tighten things up a little with MediaWiki
> quite close to going into production.  I took a look at the php.ini
> file on publictest2 and have a couple of suggestions to make - please
> feel free to comment or question any of them.  I will add my own
> comments after each item.
> /etc/php.ini
> * Change 'allow_url_fopen' to Off.
> This is a big one as it can allow a remote file to be used in an include().
> * Set 'expose_php' to Off.
> This one is just to reduce the amount of information one can gather
> through a script looking for vulnerable versions.  Anyone determined
> to cause trouble could determine this information another way, like
> the Version info page in MediaWiki.
> * Set 'display_errors' to Off
> I think this was just set to On in testing to help with working
> through various bugs.  But we should be sure it is set to Off for the
> production instance.
> * Set the upload_tmp_dir to a location that is only accessible by the
> user running MediaWiki and not readable or writeable by anyone else as
> well as being outside the web root.
> * Use disable_functions to limit what PHP functions are available.
> The following is a possible recommended list:
> disable_functions =
> "apache_get_modules,apache_get_version,apache_getenv,apache_note,
>                      apache_setenv,disk_free_space,diskfreespace,dl,
> highlight_file,ini_alter,ini_restore,openlog,passthru,phpinfo,
> proc_nice,shell_exec,show_source,symlink,system,exec,fsockopen,
>                      dl,popen"
> This appears to work on a MediaWiki instance I have, though that wiki
> is not as large or complex as the Fedora Wiki will be.  Some of the
> items above are just information gathering components, others have a
> little more value to them.
> And then, set an open_base_dir directive in the wiki.conf file like this:
> php_admin_value open_basedir /var/www/wiki:/location/of/upload/tmp/dir
> Setting an open_basedir is not 100% foolproof to limiting access to
> PHP scripts, but it is another hurdle.
> The above config changes are some options we might want to consider.
> There are also tools out there like php-suhosin [1] that we might want
> to consider using as well to keep things as tight as possible.  I have
> not made any changes to publictest2, but we may want to consider
> trying some of these config changes out and see if things still work
> and then possibly apply to the production instance.
> Thanks!
> Jeffrey

These are all fine with me.


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