Bugzilla bot account / Fedora mail alias

Toshio Kuratomi a.badger at gmail.com
Sat Jul 18 18:18:20 UTC 2009

On 07/18/2009 10:39 AM, Till Maas wrote:
> On Fri July 17 2009, Toshio Kuratomi wrote:
>>> So I guess I need a seperate FAS account for this and apply for
>>> fedorabugs or is there some other way to do this? The ftbfs bugzilla
>>> account is capable of changing the status iirc.
>> Okay, I've taken care of this in FAS.  It should sync to bugzilla within
>> the hour.  If not, let me know.
> I just checked again and the permissions are now there. Strangely it is still 
> not possible to create new bugs with status "ASSIGNED". It now returns an 
> exception:
>  <Fault 32000: 'You are not allowed to file new bugs with the\n      ASSIGNED 
> status.'>
> Previously it was silently ignored.
> Setting them to ASSIGNED afterwards is now possible and also reporting them 
> with the FutureFeature keyword.
Excellent.  I flipped a few bits manually this morning.  Let me know if
you have further problems.


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