Looking for input: Segregating hosts to specific VM servers

Stephen John Smoogen smooge at gmail.com
Tue Jul 13 23:49:06 UTC 2010

Currently we have our staging environment and our production
environment on the same servers. This works well for the most part
because the loads generated by staging rarely affect production.
However there are times where it would be nice to be able to test
certain 'issues' together. As in updating the core xen/kvm server and
a staging environment without affecting anything in production. My
idea would be to look at either repurposing or budgeting for a staging
xen server (lets call it sxen01 for convention) that would be used for
various staging servers that could test for updates to say EL5.5->
EL5.6 on all the systems at once or to work on tuning variables
without affecting production servers.

This is an initial idea so I am looking for feedback.


Stephen J Smoogen.
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