Hosted plans

Kevin Fenzi kevin at
Mon Aug 8 17:15:27 UTC 2011

On Mon, 8 Aug 2011 12:01:33 -0500 (CDT)
Mike McGrath <mmcgrath at> wrote:

> My understanding of the load issues has always been that the trac git
> plugin is very inefficient.  It'd probably be worth it to see if the
> load problems magically vanish by updating trac and the git plugin
> before committing to any archtectural changes related to performance.

Yeah, that could well be the case. I know it leaves around defunct
processes all the time. ;) 

However, I looking today, the issue seems to be I/O. 

There's a mailman archive process: 
mailman   1933 17.8  1.3  98980 92432 ?        R    Aug01 1821:31 /usr/bin/python /usr/lib/mailman/bin/qrunner --runner=ArchRunner:0:1 -s
and the rsync to hosted02: 
root      5955  4.9  0.4  63772 34224 ?        Ds   15:53   3:53 rsync --daemon

sucking up most of the I/O. httpd is trying to squeeze in there. ;) 

(As a side note, we should get apache-status working on there, might
tell us more). 

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