Freeze break: fix maps script

Kevin Fenzi kevin at
Thu May 19 14:33:48 UTC 2011

I noticed the other day that the maps script, which produces:

has not been running correctly since the move to log02. 
It's trying in the script to make a /var/lib/fi-mapping dir as the
apache user and failing. After that it has pretty much none of it's
work files, so it fails. 

This is a pretty low risk change, but would be nice to have updated
maps for PR and such around release. ;) 

This should at least get it going: 

diff --git a/modules/maps/manifests/init.pp b/modules/maps/manifests/init.pp
index af904b8..daf085d 100644
--- a/modules/maps/manifests/init.pp
+++ b/modules/maps/manifests/init.pp
@@ -41,6 +41,12 @@ class maps::app {
         mode => 0775,
         ensure => directory,
+    file { '/var/lib/fi-mapping':
+        owner => 'apache',
+        group => 'apache',
+        mode => 0775,
+        ensure => directory,
+    }
    file { ['/srv/web/maps/f7', '/srv/web/maps/f8', '/srv/web/maps/f9', '/srv/web/maps/el4', '/
         ensure => directory, 
         require => File['/srv/web/maps'],
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