Summary/Minutes from today's Fedora Infrastructure meeting (2012-06-07 at 18TC)

seth vidal skvidal at
Thu Jun 7 20:40:26 UTC 2012

> * Dns  (nirik, 18:29:03)
>   * skvidal to work on more automated/dynamic zone updates for our
>     primary zone  (nirik, 18:39:35)

Here's the pseudo-code I promised:

# read in a config file(execfile?)
# domain name
# list of A records to be created (@, wildcard)
# list of AAAA records to be created
# dict of ipv4 ips = region list for that ip
# dict of ipv6 ips = region list for that ip
# location of commands file - for latest set instructions
# destdir
# commands include
#   - reset - removes command file and runs by default
#   - disable ip - generates - filtering out that ip, and
#     sets it in the command file
#   - enable ip
# if command file exists - those commands are applied
# generate zone files (per region)
# soa == sec from the epoch
# boiler plate header?
# for record in a_records:
 # for ip in ip_dict:
   # for region in ip_dict[region]
     # generate a records
# ditto AA records
# exits

# something else restarts named/pushes shite out(dns signing ,etc)

does this all make sense?

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