retroactive freeze break: exclude old staged content on download-ib01

Kevin Fenzi kevin at
Sat Jun 29 14:57:26 UTC 2013

I just applied the following: 

diff --git a/modules/mirrormanager/manifests/init.pp b/modules/mirrormanager/manifests/init.pp
index ad24df5..db33566 100644
--- a/modules/mirrormanager/manifests/init.pp
+++ b/modules/mirrormanager/manifests/init.pp
@@ -338,7 +338,7 @@ class mirrormanager::sync {
     cron { "releng-sync":
-        command => "/usr/local/bin/lock-wrapper staging '/usr/bin/rsync -qaH --progress --numeric-ids --exclude deltaisos/archive --delete --delete-delay --delay-updates /srv/pub/alt/stage/'",
+        command => "/usr/local/bin/lock-wrapper staging '/usr/bin/rsync -qaH --progress --numeric-ids --exclude deltaisos/archive --exclude 19-Alpha --exclude 19-Beta --delete --delete-delay --delay-updates /srv/pub/alt/stage/'",
         user => 'root',
         minute => [ 15 ]

This is to allow download-ib01 to exclude the old Alpha/Beta content
so it has space to mirror the actual release content. Since we need 
to get it updated asap as some people pull from it, I went ahead 
and applied this. 

Retroactive +1s? or better ways to do it?

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