OOM killer on bapp02

Kevin Fenzi kevin at scrye.com
Tue Nov 25 14:24:32 UTC 2014

On Tue, 25 Nov 2014 10:27:19 +0100
Adrian Reber <adrian at lisas.de> wrote:

> The OOM killer on bapp02 has terminated a few mirrormanager crawler
> processes. It seems it needs more memory or the number of parallel
> crawlers has to be further limited.

Well, it's got 16GB now... I can bump it to 24 without too much
trouble. Will of course need a freeze break... 

We are currently doing 60 threads. We could cut it down, but I guess
I'd say lets try more memory first. 

> Another good idea would be to limit the duration of the rsync crawls
> in /etc/mirrormanager/prod.cfg to maybe one day (--timeout=86400) to
> avoid stale rsync processes

Good idea. Whats the config directive there? 
Seems we are not setting it at all currently. 

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