FYI retroactive freeze break: koji ssl connection timeout increase hotfix

Tim Flink tflink at
Wed Apr 1 18:25:25 UTC 2015

On Wed, 1 Apr 2015 11:35:32 -0600
Kevin Fenzi <kevin at> wrote:

> A few times in the last week we have hit a state where kojira on
> koji02 times out and doesn't run newrepo tasks for buildroots. 
> Restarting the httpd on koji01 seems to unstick it, but this is not a
> good even stop gap as we would then have to manually do that and
> people would get small windows when koji was down. 
> So, some investigation from koji developers at least for now the
> solution is to increase the ssl timeout. It's currently 60s, but I
> have increased it to 180 in a hotfix. 
> and
> This is already applied on koji02 to get us out of an outage situation
> (no new buildroots means no new fedora), but with +1s, I will apply to
> koji01 as well and make sure the playbooks sync with the hosts 

Seems to be a relatively low risk change to me

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