MirrorManager user on backend and crawler

Pierre-Yves Chibon pingou at pingoured.fr
Thu Mar 19 11:25:52 UTC 2015

On Thu, Mar 19, 2015 at 10:44:32AM +0100, Adrian Reber wrote:
> Right now the MM2 backend and MM2 crawler cronjobs in staging are all
> running as root. This seems unnecessary and I would like to change it to
> the user mirrormanager (like it is on the mirrorlist server).
> The mirrorlist has in the systemd service the user and group
> mirrormanager mentioned. I would like to create this user in the RPM for
> the mirrorlist, backend and crawler sub-package and also change the cron
> definitions.
> It would also be possible to create the user in ansible. What would
> make more sense? Ansible sound easier but for me it would make more
> sense in the RPM.

The RPM sounds like the better place for me.

Would this user be able to read the MM2 configuration file though? Because we do
not want to make the file world readable while the crons need it otherwise they
won't be able to query the DB.

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