version 4 voting proposal

Kevin Fenzi kevin at
Thu Feb 9 17:37:46 UTC 2012

a) The sig controls/manages the following channels:
b) Voting members are everyone who's an op in any of the managed
c) New operators/voting members are nominated by filing a
ticket and asking to join. Voting members have 7 days to vote, 
majority vote determines outcome.
d) Existing voting members can be removed in roughly the same
way as the process in c). Inactive members can be removed if their
is a majority vote to do so here.      
e) In other cases (aside from promoting/removing members),
broad consensus should be attempted first and if no clear
consensus can be reached a vote can be held on the issue or change.

f) when and if other channels wish to join the sig, rules for
that can be added.

g) The #fedora-ops channel is for coordinating between
operators of the other 3 channels. Operators in those 3 channels
are welcome to join and idle in #fedora-ops. Other folks can be
allowed by nomination from an op and a second from any other
operator. Those not in the above 2 groups are welcome to join and
discuss an issue or concern with the other 3 channels, but will be
asked to then depart after their issue or concern is noted.
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