BC ABI (was "Re: [fedora-java] Re: Java OpenGL on FC4")

Tom Tromey tromey at redhat.com
Thu Aug 18 16:06:43 UTC 2005

>> If so, why isn't -findirect-dispatch simply the default
>> compilation mode?

Bryce> Mostly because its not finished yet. The major blockers are CNI,
Bryce> because the C++ compiler does not yet understand the BC ABI, and the
Bryce> bug(s) affecting -findirect-dispatch when used for source code
Bryce> compilation. Certainly, the goal is to make BC the default ABI as soon
Bryce> as the issues are resolved.

BTW there is a meta-pr that has dependencies on all the known BC ABI


(IMO not all of these are required to be fixed before we can flip the


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