[fedora-java] ecj problem and patch

Anthony Green green at redhat.com
Wed Aug 24 00:59:38 UTC 2005

As discussed on #fedora-java IRC (irc.freenode.net), The Eclipse batch
compiler appears to place bootclasspath before classpath, making it
impossible to override classes in libgcj.jar.  This is a problem for
jpackages wanting to use xml-commons-apis, which provides an alternate
version of org.w3c.dom. 

I produced the following patch, which needs to be applied last in our
set of Eclipse patches.

Another snag I hit was that the FC4 Eclipse SRPM doesn't build anymore,
since the archived make files reference an outdated version of mozilla.
swttmp/build.sh should probably contain something like this instead of
hardcoded values:

               GECKO_INCLUDES=`pkg-config mozilla-gtkmozembed --cflags`
               GECKO_LIBS='pkg-config mozilla-gtkmozembed --libs`

But I see that patching this isn't simple because build.sh is extracted
from a .zip file at build time.  Hopefully overholt has a good idea for
fixing this.

While eclipse didn't build - it did build enough to give me a
jdtcore.jar file I could manually install (after generating
jdtcore.jar.so by hand).  My tests of the patched compiler indicate that
this is a step closer to the right solution.  Can we get this into FC4
and rawhide?


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