[fedora-java] Moving aot-compile-rpm and rebuild-gcj-db out of java-gcj-compat

Bryce McKinlay mckinlay at redhat.com
Wed Nov 9 22:52:26 UTC 2005

Thomas Fitzsimmons wrote:

>I also propose removing rebuild-gcj-db and instead adding a --rebuild
>argument to gcj-dbtool that implements the current Fedora Core database
>management policy (which seems to work).  Andrew and Tom, thoughts?
I think thats a good idea. I see no reason why this shouldn't be rolled 
into gcj-dbtool (Andrew?). If needed for compatibility reasons, 
rebuild-gcj-db could be made to call "gcj-db --rebuild".

>Anyway, I was considering creating an intermediate
>java-gcj-compat-scripts package to handle these scripts but looking
>through them, I think it's better to get rid of them during the push to
>FC5.  Doing so will solve the "missing rebuild-gcj-db" failures.
I agree. The less packages the better, IMO.


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