[fedora-java] Re: blueMarine and openJDK -- second attempt

Fabrizio Giudici Fabrizio.Giudici at tidalwave.it
Thu Jul 31 06:51:49 UTC 2008

Hello, I'm the author of blueMarine and Matej pointed me to this thread. 
My points:

1. I've found some bugs of blueMarine that don't trigger with Sun's JDK 6, 
but do with OpenJDK (see http://bluemarine.tidalwave.it/issues/browse/BM-670). 
I'm working to fix them, as I'd like to make OpenJDK the reference Java
implementation for distributing blueMarine on Linux.

2. The Motif Toolkit thing is due to a workaround to another bug with Java 
and Compiz: it looks like on many systems with Compiz installed, all the 
Java applications come out as an empty frame. See for instance
http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-504983.html - This is driving 
me mad for a number of reasons: first, because I can't test it, as it seems 
very sensible to local configurations; second, because it even triggers core
dumps with JDK 6 and 64 bits Linuxes; third, because it is supposed to be 
fixed on the latest Sun JDKs, but I've been reported it all the same. Can 
you tell me if this problem holds with OpenJDK? If not, it would be good news, 
as I could remove it completely.


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