[fedora-java] orphaning of packages

Permaine Cheung pcheung at redhat.com
Thu Dec 8 15:33:33 UTC 2011


As I don't have time to maintain the following packages that I own, it 
would be great if someone more active can take over the ownership, I 
have orphaned them:

adaptx -- AdaptX XSLT processor and XPath engine
ant -- Ant build tool for java
asm2 -- A code manipulation tool to implement adaptable systems
avalon-framework -- Java components interfaces
avalon-logkit -- Java logging toolkit
axis -- A SOAP implementation in Java
bcel -- Byte Code Engineering Library
bsf -- Bean Scripting Framework
bsh -- Lightweight Scripting for Java
castor -- An open source data binding framework for Java
concurrent -- Utility classes for concurrent Java programming
jakarta-commons-httpclient -- Jakarta Commons HTTPClient implements the 
client side of HTTP standards
objectweb-anttask -- ObjectWeb Ant task
plexus-archiver -- Plexus Archiver Component
plexus-i18n -- Plexus I18N Component
tagsoup -- A SAX-compliant HTML parser written in Java
xmlunit -- Provides classes to do asserts on xml

Thanks to akurtakov, sochotni and others who have been helping in 
maintaining these packages.


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