[fedora-java] Eclipse EMF build failures

Andrew Overholt overholt at redhat.com
Wed Mar 30 18:48:18 UTC 2011


* Mat Booth <fedora at matbooth.co.uk> [2011-03-21 17:02]:
> I'm trying to update EMF to 2.6.1, but it's failing to build source
> bundles.

I've never directly dealt with generated-from-template source bundles
like.  My first guess was that this had something to do with the dropins
problem we've been having but that seems unrelated.

I've CC'd Chris Aniszczyk who may have better insight.  Chris, do you
know if much happened between 3.6.0 and 3.6.1 in this area?  There
doesn't appear to be a bug that was fixed in 3.6.1 that is related:


We could ask Andrew Niefer (PDE Build maintainer upstream) if he has
insight but it would help if we were able to reproduce with a vanilla
Eclipse SDK.  Let's see if we can narrow it down any further before
going to him.


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