[fedora-java] Chosing implementations for EE APIs and finalizing guidelines

Stanislav Ochotnicky sochotnicky at redhat.com
Thu Jun 28 13:16:57 UTC 2012

With new additions to packaging guidelines for EE APIs, we have to pick
1 implementation for each API.

I have made initial proposal for these APIs into the draft[1]. My
 1. if JDK provides it, we are done. Packages should remove this
    dependency from pom.xml files

 2. Prefer packages with smaller and simpler BR/R chains. Good example
    being javax.servlet.jsp where I preferred glassfish-jsp over tomcat
    or other implementations. 

 3. Exception for 2nd point: if the project is proven to be difficult in
    the past, override. Example being geronimo projects which were
    overriden few times.

Even when we finalize this list, I don't expect it to be set in stone. I
want it in the guidelines, but if situation arises where quick change is
needed we can still do it. Longer-term, I'd like to package more simple
independent implementations such as glassfish-jsp so we don't have
dependency for example on tomcat in very basic dependency chain.

Now, I'd like to give everyone time to look at my picks and poke holes
in them. If you don't like them...speak up. If you don't, you will not
have my sympathies later. So I'll wait a week for comments. I plan to
finalize new guidelines by the end of next week. Then call SIG meeting
(finally) and vote on it before presenting it to the FPC.

[1] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Akurtakov/JavaPackagingDraftUpdate#EE_API_List

Stanislav Ochotnicky <sochotnicky at redhat.com>
Software Engineer - Base Operating Systems Brno

PGP: 7B087241
Red Hat Inc.                               http://cz.redhat.com

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