[fedora-java] Why no Class-Path manifest attribute?

Florian Weimer fweimer at redhat.com
Thu Feb 6 16:12:25 UTC 2014

On 02/06/2014 01:04 PM, Mikolaj Izdebski wrote:

> maven-local builds packages using upstream POMs.  If they are using
> techniques inappropriate for Fedora (like maven-jajjar-plugin,
> maven-shade-plugin, maven-assembly-plugin) then its packager
> responsibility to modify POMs in %prep so that they conform to our
> policy and standards.  There are even specialised RPM macros to help
> with that (for example %pom_remove_plugin, see man pom_remove_plugin).

Is maven-assembly-plugin really wrong, assuming that dependencies have a 
"provided" scope?  I'm adding <scope>provided</scope> like this during 
the %prep stage, and appears to prevent copying over classes:

# Do not bundle dependencies in the generated JAR file.
"/pom:project/pom:dependencies/pom:dependency[./pom:artifactId = 
'victims-lib' or ./pom:artifactId = 'maven-model']" 

Now I only need to figure out a way to auto-generate the dependencies 
and the classpath entries for %jpackage_script.  This will not 
completely fix things (because the JAR list will still break 
encapsulation), but it will remove a lot of the pain.

Florian Weimer / Red Hat Product Security Team

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