[fedora-java] What's new in javapackages-tools 4.1.0

Michal Srb msrb at redhat.com
Mon Jun 23 11:33:02 UTC 2014

What's new in javapackages-tools 4.1.0:

* %mvn_artifact macro now supports auto-requires
    This means that packages which don't use Maven to build can now have 
    automatically generated Requires. The only condition is that upstream
    provides POM files with all necessary information (i.e.: "dependencies"
    section). The macro can handle parent POMs, DependencyManagement sections
    and interpolation of properties. This new functionality can be disabled with
    "--skip-dependencies" option, if needed. 
* ABRT support for Java packages in distribution (contributed by Jakub Filak)
* OSGi Requires generator can now generate requires for dir-shaped OSGi bundles (contributed by Mat Booth) 
* a lot of bugs have been fixed since 4.0.0
* big refactoring/code cleanup was performed

Note there is also a migration guide from %add_maven_depmap to %mvn_artifact (written
by Mikolaj Izdebski):

Thanks to all contributors.


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