kde-4.1.96 (4.2-rc1) -> kde-redhat/unstable

Kevin Kofler kevin.kofler at chello.at
Tue Jan 13 15:35:34 UTC 2009

On Tuesday 13 January 2009, Claude Jones wrote:
> On what you said: 'evil' is one of those words that gets bandied about on
> these lists all the time - it strikes as strong and infantile; my first
> thought on this is that if I were to set up a list in which the casual use
> of that list by non-attentive users would result in their replies to posts
> regularly going back to the original posters, instead of the list, I would
> be seeing a lot of complaining - if I joined such a list, and started
> getting personal replies to my list posts, I would be annoyed - it would be
> annoying, a nuisance, a small pain in the neck, but evil???

They say it's evil because it can lead to accidentally sending personal stuff 
to the mailing list.

IMHO you should be checking where you're sending to no matter what the default 
is, it's your own darn fault if you screw up, but that's just me... ;-)

One nice way to make sure you're always replying to the ML is to use KNode 
with the Gmane gateway. That reminds me that we should get this list onto 

> I hate Evolution and its evil promoters deserve anything they get ;-)


        Kevin Kofler

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