KDE-SIG weekly report (21/2009)

Jaroslav Reznik jreznik at redhat.com
Tue May 19 19:08:58 UTC 2009

This is a report of the weekly KDE-SIG-Meeting with a summary of the 
topics that were discussed. If you want to add a comment please reply
to this email or add it to the related meeting page.


= Weekly KDE Summary =

Week: 21/2009

Time: 2009-05-19 16:00 UTC

Meeting page:

Meeting log:


= Participants = 

- JaroslavReznik
- KevinKofler
- LukasTinkl
- RexDieter
- StevenParrish
- ThanNgo
- BalajiGurudass 

= Agenda = 

*  kde-4.2.3 update status, ready for stable?
* kde-4.2.85 (4.3beta1) status
* Qt 4.5.1 status/blockers
* PolicyKit 1 (as it hits rawhide soon) 

= Summary =

o kde-4.2.85 (4.3beta1) status
 * than is going to remove conditionals Fedora<10 as we won't ship 4.3 for F-9 
(eol soon)
 * kdebinding
 ** if 4.2.85 doesn't build, 4.2.86 will be build instead
 ** other packages will stay 4.2.85 (we'd need to relax the BRs) 
 * we're not planning to build snapshots regurally
 * ltinkl is working on kde-l10n (rdieter is discriminated) 

o kde-4.2.3 update status, ready for stable
 * Fedora 11
 ** 4.2.3 as 0-day update to avoid possible problems as it's not well tested 
 * Fedora 9 & 10
 ** queued for stable 

o Qt 4.5.1 status/blockers [1]
 * qt 4.5.1 stays in updates-testing for one(two) more week(s)
 * rssnow is hacked but still not ok, new amarok-2.1ish builds coming soon, 
ksysguard thing is cosmetic and mostly harmless
 * we have to watch qt git repo commits 

o PolicyKit 1 (as it hits rawhide soon)
 * PolicyKit 1 will be soon in Fedora
 * ltinkl & jreznik are going to cooperate PolicyKit 1 efforts
 * PolicyKit 1 should be blocked until proper support in KDE
 * old PolicyKit stays in Fedora for some time but it's not supported anymore 


= Next Meeting =



= Links =

[1] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=497658

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