kde4.4 in updates-testing

Thomas Janssen thomasj at fedoraproject.org
Thu Feb 18 09:32:50 UTC 2010

2010/2/18 Kevin Kofler <kevin.kofler at chello.at>:
> Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
>> 1) using "... update kde*" will also pull in any dependencies that KDE
>> needs from updates-testing, so you don't need anything else.
> Not necessarily, sometimes it misses some stuff.
>> 2) not restricting yourself to kde* (and its dependencies) increases the
>> risk of a flaky system because you're updating a bunch of stuff you
>> don't care about. It can then be hard to back out to *not* using
>> updates-testing for every future update.
> But this is true.

Quite interesting. What's true there? The risk of a flaky system?
Yeah, that can happen. But that happens as well with updates from
updates repo.

And you think it's true that you cant back out and stop using
updates-testing because you used it once?
I would be glad to get an example.

LG Thomas

Dubium sapientiae initium

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