What Happened to KMLDonkey

Ryan Rix ry at n.rix.si
Sat Mar 6 22:50:49 UTC 2010

On Sat 6 March 2010 8:02:27 am Gerald B. Cox wrote:
> It appears to be still in active development (some files were updated
> within the last week) and apparently is still included in the ubuntu
> distro.  Not sure why it was dropped from the Fedora repo - I think it
> is all GPL, so shouldn't violate terms and conditions.

Someone with the time and interest in maintaining the package _in_fedora_ has 
to package it per our packaging guideline as a binary RPM rather than a source 
tarball, provide regular updates, and be willing to investigate/fix bugs, as 
well as stay in regular contact with upstream developrs. It's definitely not 
for the feint of heart, especially if you aren't actually interested in using 
a package such as this, as it seems all of our current package maintainers 
are. If you are interested in seeing this package in Fedora, I encourage you 
to look at joining the Package maintainer group.



Ryan Rix
== http://hackersramblings.wordpress.com | http://rix.si/ ==
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