plasma-nm nm09 branch snapshots coming to kde-testing

Kevin Kofler kevin.kofler at
Sat Jun 25 22:00:18 UTC 2011

Petrus de Calguarium wrote:
> Yes, the password seems to go somewhere, but I don't know where. It is not
> in the key file that was mentioned earlier, and, if it is going into
> kwallet, then the system must be opening my kwallet all by iteself while
> login is occurring, since I don't have to give any password to unlock it.
> Wireless is magically connected as soon as the desktop appears...
> mercifully, without any input from me.

I've also had trouble with secrets with the new build. :-(

Handling of WPA-EAP secrets looks badly broken:

1. Migration should create a IEEE_8021X_PASSWORD_FLAGS=user entry in the 
ifcfg-rh config file (probably a flag to set through the NM API), it fails 
to do that. (In particular, this means the connection fails to load entirely 
in NetworkManager and your configuration is completely lost unless you can 
deal with hand-editing config files.)

2. Migration should store the password in KWallet, it fails to do that. I 
have to enter it there manually. (In particular, this means the stored 
password is lost, because the original connections got deleted. If you don't 
remember it, you're screwed.)

3. Changing the password through the connection editing UI doesn't work! I 
tried to set a password of "test" first, then change it to the real 
password, it didn't do it. I had to manually find and edit the entry in 
kwalletmanager. (The average user would probably have had to delete and 
recreate the connection from scratch.)

These bugs need manual workarounding in config files, or deleting and 
recreating connections, both of which sucks as a user experience.

Now I don't know how to proceed, because the previously working build 
doesn't work anymore, and this one doesn't work reliably either.

        Kevin Kofler

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