libqzeitgeist & zeitgeist

Rex Dieter rdieter at
Mon Jul 2 12:50:59 UTC 2012

On 07/02/2012 06:43 AM, Fl at sh wrote:
> Begin in :
> Still can not figure out why the maintainer libqzeitgeist not concerned that ordinary users do not have the opportunity to not use unnecessary functionality for them (meaning the zeitgeist). Now the situation is that users do not even have the opportunity to remove the zeitgeist, but in fact should be the opposite: users wishing to use the zeitgeist, should to install it yourself. It's not just that, so you can easily disable the zeitgeist graphically, but the fact that the zeitgeist is optional, and should be to installed yourself, not without your knowledge.

If zeitgeist could be disabled (without uninstalling it), would that 
satisify you?

-- rex

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