kde failure after update on fedora 17

Ed Greshko Ed.Greshko at greshko.com
Sat Nov 3 11:50:22 UTC 2012

On 11/03/2012 07:07 PM, Mark Gaudry wrote:
> I maintained updates on my Fedora 17 system regularly.  About 4 updates back most of my kde based programs stopped working.  I kept adding updates with the hope that the problem would be solved.  It has only gotten worse.  I can no longer run apper or the updater from the notification icon.  What have I done wrong or installed that might be causing this?  I have installed multiple user interfaces and choose the one I use from the login screen listings.  Could one of the others be conflicting somehow?  If so which one is usually the worst culprit?  I'll go in with one of the more reliable alternatives and remove the bad one(s).  Any other ideas are also greatly appreciated.

What happens if you run "apper" from a konsole session?

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