worst update experience

Neal Becker ndbecker2 at gmail.com
Sat Feb 9 21:56:46 UTC 2013

In the continuing saga, you may recall that I had updated to kde-
unstable,testing, but then had a problem with DPMS not working.  I finally 
reverted (with some difficulty) to standard f18.  Turns out the problem wasn't 
the kde update after all, it was an update of google-chrome-beta.

So I decided to try kde-4.10 again.  Not a happy day.

First, the yum transaction just hung 1/2 way through.  I had to kill it.  Then 
had to rpm --rebuilddb.  This left me with a massive amount of dups.  After 
surgery to repair the dupes I got synced to kde-unstable,kde-testing with no 
reported problems.

I tried logging in, but found a problem with wallet and wifi password.  I tried 
logging out, removing ~/.kde, and logging in again.  Tried several times, but 
each time it just looped on trying to create kwallet.  Apparantly, there is some 
state stored outside of ~/.kde - but I don't know where.

I verified that a test user account could login and connect to wifi.

Finally I moved all of my home dir out of the way, and then I could login and 
create a new wallet OK and connect.

Slowly moved files and directories back into my account.

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