Package for qt5-qt3d

Laurent Rineau laurent.rineau__fedora at
Tue Mar 11 12:09:30 UTC 2014


Qt3D is not yet integrated in Qt5. However, I will soon monitor a Google 
Summer of Code student (for porting Qt4 demos of to Qt5), and I may 
need Qt3D (a student candidate already proposed to use that new library).

Do we already have packages for Qt3D somewhere? There was an old review 
request [1], but it was closed NOTABUG. There is new review request [2], yet 
unanswered so far, and about an old version. There is also a package mingw32-
qt5-qt3d in Fedora, but I do not see any non-Mingw package. I also have a spec 
file for it (see the attachment) for a very recent release (but it requires a 
snapshot of Qt-5.3).


Laurent Rineau
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Name: qt5-qt3d.spec
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