Behaviour of system tray bandwidth indicator

Rex Dieter rdieter at
Fri Mar 21 13:19:48 UTC 2014

On 03/21/2014 08:03 AM, Ed Greshko wrote:
> But, yeah, who looks at these indicators anyway.

If you want to belabor the point... UI progress indicators do one 
primary task: indicate progress.  that's it.  And, as I at least 
implied, it does not have to be accurate, but the act of the UI giving 
progress feedback is important.

This is why I reacted in this thread to the suggestion of removing it.

Secondarily, giving an estimate for completion is an added bonus.  We 
can agree that the estimates given can be wildly inaccurate for a 
variety of use-cases, but I still argue it can be useful for many.

In conclusion, my take is that improving accuracy (and removing 
inaccuracy) should be the constructive focus and way forward.  Anyone 
willing to look at the code to improve it?

-- rex

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