Why Firefox is not a good choice of browser for a KDE/Plasma-based product

Kevin Kofler kevin.kofler at chello.at
Thu Mar 27 00:35:42 UTC 2014


Markus Slopianka wrote:
> Disclaimer: I contributed German translations to all three projects but I
> do not consider myself an active contributor to either.

Speaking of the German translation, qupzilla-1.4.4-1.fc19 has broken 
translations on a de_AT locale. It comes up all in English, I have to 
manually switch the language to de_DE in the preferences to get a German 
translation. The problem is that it ships the translation as de_DE.qm, 
should be just de.qm (and same for most or all the other languages; the 
_COUNTRY part makes sense only in very limited cases).


        Kevin Kofler

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