qt-examples and libqxt?

Kevin Kofler kevin.kofler at chello.at
Wed Apr 22 02:06:49 UTC 2015

Gerald B. Cox wrote:
> libqxt is no longer maintained:
> http://dev.libqxt.org/libqxt/wiki/Home
> and that project is recommending that you do what the develop did... which
> is not use the entire library and just pick out the parts you need.

That means it falls under the "copylib" blanket exception. I don't really 
like that, but if the upstream project refuses to provide a usable library, 
there's not much other that can be done than copying.

> qt-examples by the name seems to imply the same thing.  These are examples
> to be modified and used.

Examples are clearly material for copy&paste, they aren't even libraries. So 
that is not a bundled library at all.

        Kevin Kofler

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