Problems logging out

Ian Malone ibmalone at
Mon Aug 24 18:15:35 UTC 2015

On 24 August 2015 at 17:06, Roderick Johnstone <rmj at> wrote:
> Hi
> I've previously reported problems logging out of kde sessions in F22, but
> that was when I was using the nvidia drivers from rpmfusion:
> I'm now seeing something very similar on nouveau and intel driver systems
> (with the nvidia driver though there was a 100% cpu ksmserver process which
> I don't see now):
> On my nouveau driver system, after selecting logout I got the
> dimmed/vignetted screen but no confirmation dialogue to click on. It hasn't
> timed out either, so I'm currently still working on the vignetted screens
> (dual monitor setup).
> Another of my users who is using the intel driver on his system has the dim
> screen (but apparently not vignetted) after trying to log out - no logout
> dialogue either.
> Anyone else see this?
> I wonder if its due to being still logged in after the qt5 5.5 updates came
> in?
> If there is any diagnostic info I can get I'd be happy to bz it.

I've seen this too and it does seem to be due to system updates while
logged in. If the KDE session is killed then the next login does exit


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