GTK font sizes

Felix Miata mrmazda at
Thu Jun 18 03:31:57 UTC 2015

Ed Greshko composed on 2015-06-18 11:18 (UTC+0800):

> I'm talking about the folders area as well as the message list are.
> Previously, in KDE 4, you'd go to "System Settings -> Common Appearance ->
> Application Appearance > GTK+ Appearance" and check the box for "Use my
> KDE fonts in GTK+ applications" and then the fonts of T-Bird would follow
> the font settings under "Fonts".

> Those options no longer exist.

Maybe they aren't supposed to need to any more. IOW, they should
automatically be the same unless you make some selection somewhere or take
some other action to make them not the same.

I looked through the thread and was unable to find any statement that the
fonts TB was using were different from those used by KDE apps. All I found
was you wanted larger, and nothing about where you wanted larger. The option
to use KDE fonts in GTK apps in prior versions never meant using any other
than the same. I suppose they're probably supposed to be doing that by
default now. We still don't know that you want a change due to their being
different than KDE's, rather than simply wanting bigger.

> I suppose, for now, I'll have to explore the possibilities in the link
> you've provided.  In KDE 4 it was simple, now if I have to use the "hack"
> that is no longer the case.

What does FF report for DPI when you open ? Before trying the
complicated stuff, comment Xft.dpi.
"The wise are known for their understanding, and pleasant
words are persuasive." Proverbs 16:21 (New Living Translation)

 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409 ** a11y rocks!

Felix Miata  ***

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